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The aim of my concept is to change the perception people might have towards war architecture. Through spatial interventions that do not necessarily mask this identity of defense and aggression, but rather harmonize spatial experiences with it so that that will seem natural or at least intriguing (in a positive, child-like sense) in those situations.

My research was integral in this project. This is especially because I have never been in a setting of conflict, neither have I personally experienced this perception of fear and exploration of spaces. Therefore, I relied heavily on primary and secondary research that gave me an understanding of the various perceptions of war, its creation, fear and its impact on people, society and infrastructure. Furthermore, I tracked down different types of spaces and architecture that showed different views on the remnants of war as well as how they have adapted, morphed or been destroyed over time and the purpose of these courses of actions over the years. 


This thorough understanding of war, destruction, memories, architecture as well as fictional references helped me build as realistic an understanding of the past present and future of warfare, perspectives and technical understanding of situations and spaces. This knowledge was then “digested” and intuitively applied towards designing interventions for spaces with an understanding of its greater historical context and sensitivity towards the remnants of war.


I looked at different processes to document, design and create interactions within vastly different spaces. The initial stages looked at digesting a lot of literature, documents, media, documentaries and exhibitions on this topic which then led me to personally looking for and documenting sites through images, videos, technical drawings to break down and compare the similarities and differences in spatial identities.


This process led me to generating videos documenting interventions, comparisons and models that enables the visualization, transformation and creating different perceptions of the spaces involved leading to my final outcome.

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